Regularity Features

ISO 10545-2
Length and Width Deviation: -0.05%~-0.02%

ISO 10545-2
Thickness Deviation: -0.03%~+0.01%
Physical Properties

ISO 10545-3
Water Absorption: ≤0.08%

ISO 10545-4
Breaking Strenght: S ≥4000 N

Reaction to fire A1 / A1FL

ISO 10545-9
Thermal Shock Resistance: PASS

ISO 10545-12
Frost Resistance: PASS
Chemical Features

ISO 10545-13
Resistance to Household Chemicals and Swimming Pool Salts: A
Resistance to Low Concentrations of Acids and Alkalis: LA
Resistance to High Concentrations of Acids and Alkalis: HB

ISO 10545-14
Stain Resistance: CLASS 5